
Dumb Little Man: Regain Control Of Your Life By Managing Your Finances With These 6 Tips For Reducing Your Debt

Dumb Little Man: Regain Control Of Your Life By Managing Your Finances With These 6 Tips For Reducing Your Debt

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Regain Control Of Your Life By Managing Your Finances With These 6 Tips For Reducing Your Debt

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 06:17 AM PDT

Getting control of your debt can help you live a happy and fulfilling life.

When you see your paycheck going toward a vacation fund as opposed to a credit card payment, you have an increased level of control over your life.

If you are currently drowning in debt, what are some ways to get that debt under control?

There are some things that you can start doing right away to help you stop sending all of your hard earned money to credit card companies each month.

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