
Dumb Little Man: Deliver Your Speech Like A Pro By Using These 12 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Dumb Little Man: Deliver Your Speech Like A Pro By Using These 12 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

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Deliver Your Speech Like A Pro By Using These 12 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 06:03 AM PDT

Why is it that so many people are scared witless of speaking in public?

Surveys show that some of us are more afraid of public speaking than we are of death!

Too many of us have the idea that public speaking is a talent that you're born with—or aren't.

In truth, great speakers are made, not born and anyone can learn to deliver a speech like a pro.

Whether it's speaking at a town hall meeting or making a presentation at work, most of us will have the need to step up to the podium at some time. Why not learn how to deliver an effective speech right now? Here are some hints for overcoming your fears and mastering the art of speaking in public.
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