
Dumb Little Man: Exercise Your Mind and Reduce Your Risk of Dementia With These 10 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Dumb Little Man: Exercise Your Mind and Reduce Your Risk of Dementia With These 10 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

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Exercise Your Mind and Reduce Your Risk of Dementia With These 10 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Posted: 02 Oct 2013 05:51 AM PDT

Do you ever feel like your mental processes slow down as you get older? Do you have times when you feel "fuzzy" and have trouble concentrating? Maybe your brain needs a little exercise!

If you have doubts that exercising your brain does any good, a study in The New England Journal of Medicine reported that seniors who practiced brain-stimulating activities more than once a week over a 20-year period reduced their risk of dementia by an amazing 63%!

You know that exercising your body helps you stay in shape and feel good, but maybe your brain isn't getting the workouts it needs to stay sharp. Here are a few proven brain boosters to keep your mind in tip-top shape.

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