
Dumb Little Man: Three Ways To Rediscover The Simple Beauty Of Life

Dumb Little Man: Three Ways To Rediscover The Simple Beauty Of Life

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Three Ways To Rediscover The Simple Beauty Of Life

Posted: 26 Nov 2013 07:16 AM PST

August 2012, Kauai, Hawaii - I wake up to the sound of roosters. The morning air pours in through the windows and fills the curtains like sails. My body feels relaxed and rested from the fresh air.

My friends and I walk outside. We're immediately greeted by towering mountains of the greenest green. If not for the birds, it's completely silent. The only two cars anywhere near us are parked. We're in a secluded part of the aptly named the "Garden Isle."

We run about a mile to the Mola'a fruit stand, and buy our favorite Hawaiian fruits and smoothies. (One time my guava had worms in it, but other than that, the fruit was always delicious. I think I ate one of the worms before I saw the others, just in case you're curious.)

On this day, we have no plans but to satisfy our curiosity about this beautiful island. And we repeat this plan for 10 days. On the last days, we're all seriously talking about moving to Kauai, and it isn't just vacation bias. The culture is different. People there prefer simple living to excessive consumerism. They love the beach (to be fair, that's true for most of us). They understand and enjoy the beauty of nature.
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