
Dumb Little Man: Down in the Dumps? How to Become a More Positive Person

Dumb Little Man: Down in the Dumps? How to Become a More Positive Person

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Down in the Dumps? How to Become a More Positive Person

Posted: 15 Nov 2013 11:38 AM PST

Having a positive outlook on life has many benefits, both to your mood and your physical health. Personality traits like optimism or pessimism can have an effect on your overall well-being, so it's important to cultivate a positive frame of mind. Health benefits of optimism and positive thinking include greater resistance to colds, increased life span, reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease and better coping skills during periods of stress.

Positive people tend to live healthier lifestyles, getting more exercise, eating healthier diets and avoiding excessive use of alcohol. They also enjoy better psychological well-being and suffer less depression. We can't feel good all the time but there are ways to encourage positive feelings and overcome negative ones.
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