
Dumb Little Man: Some Of The Most Promising Jobs For The Next 5 Years

Dumb Little Man: Some Of The Most Promising Jobs For The Next 5 Years

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Some Of The Most Promising Jobs For The Next 5 Years

Posted: 08 Nov 2013 07:26 AM PST

The choice of a specialist in a certain field is usually a long and difficult process.

On one hand, every person must have a clear idea of what they are best in what they would like to work after graduating.

And on the other hand, we must also have realistic expectations about our career development, which requires more of a rational approach, which is determined mostly of the labour market.

Usually, the most promising jobs are considered as such because they are more preferred than others, or because there is a certain deficit in the labour market.

In the last couple of years jobs that are associated with science, technology, health, education and business are considered as most promising.

However, the last category includes jobs and occupations that allow more creativity and are  especially suitable for people, who don't feel well at a 9-to-5 jobs at the office.

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