
All About Domain Registration and Hosting

The domain name of a website is an unique identity on the web. By domain registration, a company or individual can host their own website and make their presence felt on the Internet. For registering a domain few simple steps need to be followed. First step is to figure out whether the domain name is available. There are different extensions available for domains. These are .com, .org and country specific registration such as .au, .in. and .uk. Once you are sure that your preferred domain name is available you need to go ahead and book the domain either in your name or the company's name. After you register the domain, no other entity can stake claim to that domain unless you decide to drop or sell it.

The next step is to design and develop the website. You can either book your hosting space at the time of registering your domain or at a later date. If you think that it is important to test your website in a live environment then it is better to book the hosting space when you start development of the website. The web hosting company provides the disk space with a web server necessary to launch the site. All your website files will be hosted in this space. There are different types of hosting that are available and you need to understand which one suits your requirement the best. Windows hosting, Linux hosting and JSP are some of the common hosting packages offered by web hosting companies.

Web hosting companies offer different kinds of hosting packages. Depending upon your requirement you can choose the package that suits your requirements. For a personal or small business, you just need web space around 20MB to 100MB. The hosting package that you buy depends on the technologies on which you are developing the website. A website developed in ASP can be hosted with the Windows hosting package and not the Linux hosting. This is because Linux Server will not support ASP. Similarly there are different permutations and combinations which are available. If you are developing the site on open source tools like PHP and MySQL, you should prefer to buy Linux hosting.

It is important to consider the price being paid for a domain registration and hosting service. Nowadays hosting has become very cheap. Resellers buy huge amounts of disk space and sell them at cheap rates to end customers. A Linux Reseller Hosting company can sell space of 1GB for a year at a cost which may be equivalent to a restaurant bill. However, it is important to check out the support features that are available with the hosting company. The webmaster has to interact with the hosting company on a regular basis for support on various issues. So, jot down your requirements before you go ahead. Launch your website after several beta tests and I am sure you will have a great business venture.

1 comment:

  1. It’s really amazing and informative post.We are also providing domain registration and hosting services at affordable prices.Website name registartion
